A trip from Borová to Lucký vrch in the Highlands

Mountain range, region / State

Bohemian-Moravian Highlands / Czech Republic



02. 05. 2024


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↑ 182 m

↓ 182 m


11.1 km

3 hours


max. 736 m n.m.

min. 616 m n.m.

Elevation profile of the route

Meters climbed: 182 m
Dismal metres: 182 m

Trip to Lucký vrch in the Highlands

Starting point

Train station in the village of Borová.

Description of the hike

In very uncertain weather we set off from Borová towards Lucký vrch. It was still clear that rain was coming, so we took shelter in the Roubenka pub, where we had a delicious lunch. After the rain we headed towards the rope playground and natural swimming pool on the edge of the forest. After having fun on the rope playground, we followed the green trail through the forest. The path climbed slightly and finally we came out at the chapel of St. John of Nepomuk. We continued along the green trail for a while, but soon we crossed over to the nature trail. We crossed the state road and joined the yellow trail. This led us along a wide dirt road past the Jerusalem and Dědina isolated areas.

Finally, in time for the next storm, we reached the hut on Luckie vrch. Here we had a delicious refreshment again. After the rain, we enjoyed the beautiful views from Lucky Hill. We could see the Jeseníky Mountains or Kralický Sněžník. Of course also a large part of the Highlands. Then we went back to Borová. This time we walked all the way along the yellow trail. It leads all the time along wide paths.


Simple trip, suitable for families with children. The whole time you walk along wide field or forest paths. The elevation is small and the climb to Lucký vrch is gradual. Suitable also for hiking with dogs.

Water availability

We didn't come across any wells on the trail. The pub is in the village of Borová and then at the cottage on Lucký vrch.

Sleeping options

Accommodation is available at the cottage on Lucký vrch. The cottage also includes the so-called Finnish houses, where accommodation is also possible.

Mountain peaks

The destination of the trip is Lucký vrch 739 m above sea level. You can see part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, Hrubý Jeseník, Kralický Sněžník and, with good visibility, the Krkonoše Mountains.


The route is very simple and safe. It is on wide roads all the time.


The pub is in the village of Borová and at the cottage on Lucký vrch. We tried both of them and we were satisfied everywhere.


The first cottage on Lucký vrch was built in 1928 by Mr. Pražan from Polička. One of the reasons was the beautiful view of the Jeseníky Mountains and Kralický Sněžník. Later he decided to rebuild the chalet into a mountain chalet and it was opened in 1940. After the Second World War, the chalet was taken over by the Czechoslovak army and the tourist traffic ended. The rebuilding of the tourist chalet began in the 1990s, when the buildings were sold to private buyers. In 2002 the building was bought by the new owner Milic Sypták, who is trying to restore the glory of this unique chalet.

Posted by: 19. 05. 2024
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