Mountains Wetterstein

The Wetterstein mountain range is divided into two main units: the Wetterstein and the Mieminger Kette. These are massive limestone walls that tower over the surrounding area by 2,000 metres above sea level. To the north of these units is the Zugspitze-Platt-Umrahmung-gruppe, which includes the highest peak in the entire mountain range and the highest peak in Germany, the Zugspitze at 2 968 m above sea level.

There are several ascent routes to this peak, including secured ones. From the valley it is possible to reach the summit by three cable cars. This is why this part of the mountains is very popular.

The highest mountain

Zugspitze 2 962 m above see level

List of major mountain peaks

Schneefernkopf 2 875 m above see level, Zugspitzeck 2 820 m above see level, Hochplatting 2 768 m above see level, Nördliche Wetterspitze 2 750 m above see level, Mittlere Wetterspitze 2 750 m above see level.

Wetterstein is divided

Wetersteinkamm; Miminger Kette; Zugspitze-Platt-Umrahmunggruppe; Grünstein; Hohe Munde

Protected areas
More information

Belongs to the system: the Northern Limestone Alps
It is in the countries: of Austria, Germany
Predominant rocks: limestone