Mountains Ore Mountains

The Ore Mountains (German: Erzgebirge) are located in the north-west of the Czech Republic and are about 130 km long. The Ore Mountains belong to the Ohře River basin, the side of the mountains on the Czech side is drained to the south into the Ohře and Bílina rivers. The Ore Mountains are not yet included in the protected area, although this is being considered. There are, however, several national nature reserves.

The Ore Mountains are rich in minerals, especially copper, tin, silver, iron and coal, which are still mined here. The Erzgebirge is for the most part located in German Saxony. Towards the Czech Republic, the mountains fall more steeply than on the German side.

The Erzgebirge is a windy and cold mountain range. In the second half of the 20th century, the Ore Mountains were severely damaged by immissions from industrial plants near the mountains. After 1990, the air quality improved, with sulphur dioxide emissions falling by almost 90%.

The highest mountain

Klínovec 1 244 m

List of major mountain peaks

Božídarský Špičák 1 115 m, Plešivec 1 028 m, Jelení hora 994 m, Loučná 956 m, Medvědí skála 924 m

Ore Mountains is divided

Klínovecká hornatina; Loučenská hornatina

Protected areas

Area under consideration for the SPA

More information

It's part of the system: Erzgebirge
It is in the countries: the Czech Republic, Germany
Predominant rocks: granite; schist; staple; rula

Interesting links